School Reception Services
Berkeley Academy Reception Opening times: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Car parking is limited during school hours and reserved for school staff. Visitors who have appointments may use the car park if space is available. Parents/carers should not park in a way that obstructs pavements or may be dangerous for people to enter and exit the school.
Dropping items to reception: Pupils should come fully equipped to school each day and check the night before that they have everything they need for the following school day. Please note that if on occasions items are left with reception staff to pass on to a pupil, every effort will be made to get the item to a child, if it is appropriate. However, the school cannot guarantee that this will be possible.
Behaviour on the school site
The school has a zero tolerance of abusive, aggressive, violent or damaging (relating to property) behaviour.
The school does not accept responsibility or liability for any personal items brought onto school premises.
Berkeley Academy will not tolerate aggressive or obstructive behaviour against the school community, including staff, parents/carers and pupils.
Parents/carers of pupils who wish to apply for a place in Years Reception to 6 at the school in 2016 should contact the admissions department at the Civic Centre, Hounslow.
Parents/carers of pupils who wish to apply for a place in Nursery at the school in 2016 should visit the school reception for forms and further information about the application process.
Attendance and Punctuality
It is really important that you come to school on time every day. Lateness and attendance below 100% will have a negative impact on your progress and attainment.
Pupils must come to school every day and aim to have 100% attendance. 100% attendance is essential to guarantee the highest possible achievement.
If a pupil is absent parents/carers must contact the school by 9:30 am on the first day of absence and give the reason for the absence. Parents/carers are expected to inform the school on each day their child is absent.
On their return to school parents/carers should bring medical evidence (such as prescribed medication and appointment cards) to explain the absence.
Parents/carers may be expected to collect work for their child to complete at home.
Only a hospital appointment or a visit to the orthodontist will be authorised (evidence will be required). All routine medical appointments should be made after school hours.
The school telephone number is: 020 8570 5700
Holidays during term time are NOT allowed. The school is closed for 13 weeks each year and holidays must only be taken during this time. Any absence during term time will be rigorously followed up by the Attendance Officer.
The Education Welfare Service and the Attendance Team: The Education Welfare Service works closely with the school to monitor pupil attendance and intervene when there are problems.
Parents/carers must make sure their children attend school regularly. They have a legal responsibility to ensure they do so. If parents/carers allow their children to stay away from school without good reason they may be prosecuted.
Mrs. Nair and Ms. Rasulian are the school’s Attendance Team. They monitor and follow up pupils who do not attend school regularly and punctually.
Home visits will be scheduled and targets will be set if necessary to improve pupils’ attendance at school.