Berkeley Academy provides all students with a broad, balanced and dynamic curriculum. The aims of the school go beyond the academic to include the education of citizens for tomorrow with a clear focus of mutual respect and tolerance.
Relationships between pupils and their teachers are excellent. Pupils' behaviour is outstanding. Pupils are full of enthusiasm and their attitude towards learning is exceptional.
The school is committed to innovation and prides itself in being at the forefront of national and international developments. The school encourages staff to further their subject and teaching expertise through higher level university study and school based research. Working with its partners, Berkeley plays a pivotal role in leading the development of the education system so that our students and staff benefit from the most up to date opportunities, educational practice and new learning technologies.
Berkeley Academy has been part of the Teaching Schools Alliance led by Cranford Community College. We recruit outstanding teachers and those that show the potential to be so. We provide an extensive training programme for all staff to ensure that they remain highly skilled, well-motivated and highly qualified. Berkeley's teachers lead outstanding learning which translates into outstanding student progress and outcomes.
The academy has a mission of ‘Transforming the Community’. Berkeley is thoroughly integrated within the local community and is focused on driving improvement within and beyond our local area. The school ensures that the young people of Berkeley and its surrounding areas achieve as highly as possibly in every educational and social field.
The wide range of extra-curricular clubs and amazing opportunities help develop students wider education and create a real passion for learning and love of what students study.
Objects and Aims
The academy trust aims to provide the highest quality education to meet the needs of a locality that is largely without advantage and to offer a choice to the wider community so that the mission of ‘Transforming a Community’ means in practice that no parent/pupil in this area has a need to choose any other school or academy.
Objectives, Strategies and Activities
The main aims of Advantage Multi Academy Trust in the coming year include:
- To ensure ‘excellence in all areas’ of the academy’s provision is maintained and to continue ‘transforming a community’.
- To develop the MAT further by supporting other schools and inviting them to join ADMAT
- To manage effectively the financial pressures associated with reductions in grant funding and increased running costs without sacrificing the unique identity of being an outstanding education provider in an area of high levels of need
- To share expertise and benefit through wider opportunities such as being part of collaboratibe projects with other schools, the Cranford Teaching School Alliance in partnership with Teaching London, membership of additional and broader education improvement networks, through NLE and NSS activity, through SSAT, and through PiXL etc.,
- To improve further the already high proportion of ‘Outstanding’ teaching by continued investment in regular support, training and by funding higher level and international professional development (linked to the best performing schools and developing education systems in the world).
- To further develop the international dimension of the trust through establishing links and teacher exchanges with schools in other countries
- To continuously review the staffing structure in the light of a rapidly changing environment.
- To further support local regeneration projects such as the Heston Big West Local
- To generate income, for example through bidding, and in accordance with the academy’s object to further improve the resources available to the academy and the community it serves.
- To raise expectations and aspirations further within pupils and their families and within the local community.
- To raise achievement further.
- To plan ahead to make possible further provision for additional pupil numbers in preparation to better meet parental preference in the three local boroughs and to contribute to the provision needed to educate the bulging school aged population.
- To motivate and inspire.
- To celebrate success.
- To encourage the development of healthy, happy and successful learners.
- To involve and engage students.
- To promote equality.
- To provide best value.
- To comply with all statutory requirements.
- To conduct the academy’s business in accordance with the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, probity and transparency.
- To ensure the Academy Trust continues to be effective and successful in supporting the academy
Public Benefit
The Academy Trust confirms that it has referred to the guidance contained in the Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit when reviewing the charity’s aims and objectives and in planning future activities. In particular, the trustees consider how planned activities will contribute to the aims and objectives they have set.